
As one ages, excess eyelid skin tends to sag down over the eye, making one appear older. Additionally, the fat that forms underneath the eye can cause one to look aged or tired. These changes are due to a loss of skin elasticity, resulting from the normal aging process. But while the aging process cannot be prevented, the effects that ensue can be drastically diminished with eyelid surgery. Known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is a popular surgery procedure sought by both women and men alike.

Blepharoplasty is a simple, outpatient procedure that can reverse signs of aging quickly and successfully, turning back the hands of time. Drooping eyelids can make you look much older and may also impair your vision. Blepharoplasty corrects these problems by removing excess puffiness and bags under the eyes. In addition, the surgery also smoothes out the delicate skin around the eyes, eliminating wrinkles and reducing dark circles.

Restore your eyes with an eyelid lift performed by Dr. John P. Freeman of Katy, Texas. If you’re interested in learning more and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Freeman, please contact us at 281-599-9445 or visit our contact page.

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty involves removing excess fat, muscle, and skin from both the upper and lower eyelids through inconspicuous incisions. This restorative, cosmetic procedure helps rejuvenate and soften the skin around the eyes, creating a more youthful and alert appearance. Dissolvable fine sutures minimize the visibility and occurrence of scars. While the aesthetic benefits of blepharoplasty are many, the procedure has manifold health benefits as well.

Blepharoplasty can be performed as either a cosmetic or functional procedure. Drooping eyelid skin can often obstruct both peripheral and upper vision when it becomes heavy enough. Some patients report impairment in completing simple tasks like driving, reading, or watching a movie before undergoing this surgical procedure. Thanks to blepharoplasty, the quality of life for many patients is greatly improved.

An eyelid lift can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids, or a combination of both. Skin elasticity of the upper eyelids gradually declines over time due to age, gravity and weakening muscles, leading to sagging. The cushion of fat that protects the eye from the skull can also gradually drop, causing puffiness and making the eyelids heavier. Similarly, the fat cushion behind the lower eye can droop and decrease in size, resulting in hollow tear troughs and under-eye bags. With blepharoplasty, all of these concerns can be addressed.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for You?

Blepharoplasty is an excellent treatment for men or women looking to improve the appearance of their eyelids. The procedure is often performed on patients who are 40 or older because declining skin elasticity is a more common concern at that age. However, the procedure can also be beneficial for younger patients who are unhappy with their eyelids’ appearance. Puffiness in the lower eyelids or heavily hooded upper eyelids can appear even when someone is young, which is usually a hereditary issue. Blepharoplasty can correct this.

Concerns that blepharoplasty is often used to repair include:

  • Drooping skin in the upper or lower eyelids
  • Bags beneath the eyes
  • Fat cushions behind the eyes that create puffy upper or lower eyelids
  • Impaired vision due to excess eyelid skin
  • A facial expression that chronically appears tired or worried
  • Irritation due to extra folds in the eyelid skin

Patients must understand that while blepharoplasty can enhance the eyes’ appearance in many ways, it can’t correct fine lines near the eyes (commonly known as crow’s feet). Often, patients combine eyelid lift surgery with other cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate this area fully. Chemical peels or injectables can be particularly beneficial when combined with blepharoplasty for patients seeking comprehensive rejuvenation.

Patients must also understand the differences between blepharoplasty and a brow lift. Blepharoplasty focuses solely on the eyelids — it does not have an impact on the forehead or drooping brows. On the other hand, a brow lift rejuvenates the forehead and browline but has minimal impact on the eyelids. Combining these two procedures often delivers beautiful results.

What to Expect: Your Blepharoplasty Consultation


Working with a skilled facial cosmetic surgeon in Houston for your blepharoplasty surgery is incredibly important due to the delicate nature of the eyelids and the surrounding tissue. Removing too much tissue can lead to poor or even catastrophic results, including peripheral vision loss and total blindness. Dr. Freeman’s years of training at Vanderbilt University and his expertise as a board-certified maxillofacial surgeon will ensure your results are spectacular. As your blepharoplasty surgeon in Houston, Dr. Freeman will give you a refreshed overall appearance, a younger-looking eye, and, in many cases, possibly restore lost peripheral vision.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Freeman will perform a physical examination to determine whether you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery. Anyone suffering from signs of aging around the eyes can benefit from this surgery. Still, Dr. Freeman will offer you a personalized consultation to address your specific concerns, aesthetic goals and needs.

What to Expect: Your Blepharoplasty Procedure

Upper and lower blepharoplasty under Dr. Freeman’s care is performed with IV sedation on an outpatient basis. Wear comfortable clothing on the day of the procedure and arrange for a trusted companion to bring you home. During the procedure, Dr. Freeman will make tiny incisions along the natural curves of your eyelids, which ensures your blepharoplasty scars will be practically invisible. The precise location of the incisions and the steps of the procedure will depend on whether you are having upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery or both.

For upper eyelid surgery, Dr. Freeman will place the incisions in the natural creases of the upper eyelids. The incision length is determined by how much skin needs to be removed. Dr. Freeman will trim away the excess and, in some cases, may reposition fat deposits and tighten the underlying muscles to further the patient’s results. The incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures. Usually, upper eyelid surgery takes 30 minutes to one hour.

During lower eyelid surgery, Dr. Freeman will make incisions either along the lower lash lines or inside of the lower eyelids. The lash line approach is preferred if excess skin must be removed. If skin excision is unnecessary, the incision can be made behind the eyelid, leaving no visible scars. Dr. Freeman will use this incision to remove or reposition any fat causing puffiness or bags. Lower eyelid surgery may require general anesthesia if performed in conjunction with other procedures, such as a brow lift or facelift.

If the procedure encompasses both eyelids, Dr. Freeman will usually begin with the upper eyelids.

What to Expect: Your Blepharoplasty Recovery

After your eyelid lift, Dr. Freeman will provide you with aftercare instructions and you will be allowed to return home to recover in comfortable surroundings. You may be instructed to use lubricating eye drops, wear dark sunglasses and avoid strenuous exercise. Following these instructions is essential to reduce side effects and maximize your comfort. You may experience swelling, bruising and/or red eyelids after blepharoplasty, typically lasting for seven to 10 days. Follow-up visits will be scheduled to ensure a healthy recovery process. Patients can usually return to work after five to 10 days, but should steer clear of exercise and other activities that require significant energy exertion for two weeks.

What to Expect: Your Blepharoplasty Results

Blepharoplasty is one of the most effective ways to refresh and revive your appearance. Your final results will become apparent when the last of the postoperative bruising and swelling subside. The area around your eyes will look well-rested and your face will look more youthful overall. You may also find that your field of vision is improved. Blepharoplasty can make you feel more confident in your daily life, with a newfound excitement to take on the world and the peace of mind afforded by knowing your results will be long-lasting.

The results of an eyelid lift will last for many years. However, as with any rejuvenating procedure, time does not stop and your features will continue to age naturally. You may notice the skin relaxing over time, but the surgery can be repeated if desired. Rarely, though, does blepharoplasty need to be repeated on the lower eyelids.

Contact Dr. Freeman’s Clinic in Katy, TX


When the eyelids begin to droop or sag, it can give you a tired or aged appearance, and may obstruct your vision. These changes are some of the first, and most unwelcome, signs of facial aging. With his comprehensive knowledge of facial anatomy and aesthetics, eyelid surgery with Dr. Freeman of Katy, TX, can give you a more energetic and alert appearance that reflects how youthful you feel. If you’re interested in learning more about blepharoplasty and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Freeman, please contact us at 281-599-9445 or visit our contact page.