

The nose is the centerpiece of the face. It can be a defining facial feature that influences how you perceive yourself and as well as how others see you. Because of its central position and aesthetic significance, the nose can have a significant effect on an individual’s overall appearance — for better or worse. 

Self-consciousness can easily arise if you feel your nose doesn’t suit your face. Perhaps your nose is elongated, creating a profile where your nose overshadows other features. Or maybe your nose is wide, giving your face an unbalanced appearance. Or maybe you’ve always hated the bump on the bridge or the shape of the tip. If you’re unhappy about your nose, it’s possible to reshape it, making it more proportionate and flattering to your natural features, so it can be a centerpiece you’re confident about.

Dr. John P. Freeman of Katy, Texas, is an expert in cosmetic and reconstructive facial surgery that can restore balance in your face and drastically improve your nose’s appearance. If you’re interested in learning more about rhinoplasty and how it can benefit you, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Freeman by calling 281-599-9445 or visiting our contact page. 

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, which means “shaping the nose,” is one of Houston’s most popular plastic surgery procedures. Also known as a ‘nose job,’ nose surgery can dramatically improve and enhance your appearance, leading to greater symmetry in the face and improved self-esteem. The procedure involves making small incisions to remove, build upon or rearrange bone or cartilage supporting the nose. The highly customizable surgery is performed in the way that is best suited to each patient’s unique facial features, nose shape and desired goals. Cosmetic concerns that rhinoplasty can correct include:

  • – Straightening the bridge of the nose 
  • – Reducing the bump on the nose where excess cartilage exists
  • – Restructuring the size or tip of the nose
  • – Narrowing the nostrils or base of the nose

Although rhinoplasty is commonly thought of as a cosmetic surgery, it can have medical benefits too. Breathing difficulties caused by a deviated septum, where the inner structure in the nose blocks the nasal passages, can be corrected with the help of a septorhinoplasty. This operation improves the aesthetics and functionality of the nose simultaneously. Other issues a functional rhinoplasty can help with include correcting a congenital anomaly, such as a cleft lip or palate, or improving nasal inflammation due to chronic allergies. Trauma-induced injuries to the nose are also often corrected with a rhinoplasty. 

Is Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Rhinoplasty is a suitable procedure for nearly anyone unsatisfied with the shape of their nose or experiencing difficulty breathing through their nasal passages. Many patients choose rhinoplasty because their nose broke in the past and healed improperly, affecting its function and appearance. Many others were born with a condition, such as a deviated septum, or were born with a nose that they simply aren’t happy with. During an initial consultation with Dr. Freeman, your nose concerns will be reviewed and discussed. Whether the issue is cosmetic or medical, he’ll ensure you receive the proper treatment plan that’ll produce a nose better suited to your features. 

Rhinoplasty is performed on patients of a wide age range, from teens to elders. If you’re a parent with a child seeking rhinoplasty, it’s advised you wait until they’re in their late teens before considering treatment, as the nose continues to grow until then. Dr. Freeman will review your or your child’s medical history and current health to ensure candidacy for surgery during the initial consultation. 

In addition to aesthetic benefits, rhinoplasty has many medical benefits as well. Rhinoplasty can correct nasal trauma, correct congenital, and birth defects. For those suffering from respiratory impairment or narrow nasal cavities, rhinoplasty can help open up nasal airways allowing a patient to breathe more easily. Rhinoplasty can also correct a perforated septum or deviated septum.

For those who have nasal deformities as a result of a broken nose, collapsed bridge, or displaced nose, rhinoplasty is an excellent solution to address the individual’s aesthetic concerns. Those suffering from autoimmune disorders that affect the appearance of the nose, or those who suffered from cancer also elect to undergo rhinoplasty in order to enhance their appearance.

What You Can Expect: Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

Dr. Freeman’s objective is always to create a natural-looking nose that complements the patient’s other facial features, enhancing their overall appearance. He accomplishes this by carefully contouring the nasal profile, reshaping the nasal tip, and subtly changing the angle between the nose and the upper lip, for a more youthful look. Patients who undergo this procedure can experience dramatic positive changes in their appearance. Because of the complex nature of the cartilage, bone, and support systems that make up the nose, it is very important that patients find a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon to complete the procedure.

Dr. Freeman has years of experience as a maxillofacial surgeon in Houston, gaining his expertise at famed Vanderbilt University, where he won numerous awards. Dr. Freeman’s compassionate care and careful eye will assure you the best surgical outcome.

After determining if you’re a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty, Dr. Freeman will thoroughly examine your nose and create a customized surgical plan. Photos may be taken of your face and profile. 

What to Expect: Your Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure and performed under local or general anesthesia. Two different techniques are used when performing rhinoplasty. Before your procedure, Dr. Freeman will gauge which method best suits your needs and will help you achieve optimal results. These two techniques are closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty.

For closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside of the nose through the nostrils. This technique is typically reserved for patients seeking minor corrections, such as improving nasal symmetry. It is more complicated than open rhinoplasty because it limits a surgeon’s view and access to structures in the nose. However, closed rhinoplasty results in less scarring, which may make it preferential for the patient. After corrections are made, absorbable stitches are used to close off any incisions. 

For open rhinoplasty, an incision is made along the narrow strip of skin between the nostrils (the columella) and the nostril’s sides. By using external incisions, Dr. Freeman has greater visibility and access to the nose’s internal structures. Through these incisions, nasal cartilage and skin will be separated from the skin and restructured to fit your new aesthetic goals. Any excess skin will be removed, and the incisions will be closed. 

Depending on which technique is used and your customized surgical plan, rhinoplasty typically takes approximately one to three hours. 

 What to Expect: Your Rhinoplasty Recovery

Patients should spend time resting at home after their rhinoplasty. Typically, a patient can expect to rest for one to two weeks until they can go to work or resume normal activities. Your face may be red and puffy, and discomfort may be experienced near your nose, including minor headaches and nosebleeds. These are natural experiences after rhinoplasty that indicate your body is undergoing the healing process. 

A splint, bandages and nasal packaging will be placed in and around your nose to help with bruising and swelling immediately after surgery. These are usually kept in place for up to one week, or until Dr. Freeman removes them during a follow-up visit. These follow-up appointments with Dr. Freeman are crucial, as they’ll allow Dr. Freeman to observe your nose’s healing process and are a great time to address any concerns you may have during recovery. 

 What to Expect: Your Rhinoplasty Results

As with any surgical operation, it takes time for your body to heal completely and your results to be fully realized. After rhinoplasty, your results will gradually improve, taking weeks or even months until optimal results are attained. Rhinoplasty results take a long time to stabilize because the skin and cartilage are slow to heal and conform to their new shape. You may experience changes in your nose for up to two years before it reaches its final form.

After your nose has fully healed, it will remain in the new shape indefinitely. You may notice improved breathing as well as an improved appearance. Your nose may no longer draw attention to itself for undesirable reasons, but instead allow all of the features of your face to shine in harmony. The key with rhinoplasty is to remember that the best outcomes are highly personal. Dr. Freeman customizes each procedure to ensure the nose balances the face and “works” for the individual.

Contact Dr. Freeman’s Clinic in Katy, TX, for Aesthetic and Medical Nose Improvement

Nose surgery is a combination of art and science. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, it’s crucial to have it performed by a skilled surgeon who specializes in facial surgery and understands the various elements that go into facial aesthetics. Discover unparalleled expertise, skill and artistry with Dr. John P. Freeman.

 Dr. Freeman has years of experience as a maxillofacial surgeon in Houston, gaining his expertise at famed Vanderbilt University, where he won numerous awards. Dr. Freeman’s compassionate care and careful eye will assure you the best rhinoplasty results. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Freeman at his clinic in Katy, Texas, please contact us at 281-599-9445 or visit our contact page.