The Secret to a Natural Looking Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

Oct 11, 2022
The Secret to a Natural Looking Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)
Lots of people would change the shape or size of their noses if they could, but an exceptional rhinoplasty goes beyond your own expectations and preferences. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, let go of all expectations and preconceived notions.

As far as cosmetic surgeries go, nose jobs are the most common and highly sought-after. Performing over 220,000 custom rhinoplasties per year, cosmetic surgeons in the United States work tirelessly to improve facial balance and symmetry for people who are unhappy with the natural contours of their noses. 

If you don’t like how your nose looks, there could be one or several reasons. Board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon John P Freeman, MD, DDS, FACS, of Katy, Texas, often hears patients describe the ridges they want to file down, their bulbous nose tips, or crookedness. Yet, patients’ expectations don’t always align with the changes that will give the best final result. 

Dr. Freeman has in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy and has studied (and altered) numerous facial contours over his career in cosmetic and maxillofacial surgery. After examining your features, discussing your expectations, and using an X-ray to examine the underlying bone and cartilage, he plans your personalized rhinoplasty and explains how you can assist in getting and maintaining natural-looking results. 

Trust your surgeon

You’re far from alone if you have any concerns as to what the final result of your rhinoplasty will look like. Your nose boasts a prominent place on your face and is one of your most defining features. Any change will require some adjustment on your part, but a trustworthy and experienced cosmetic surgeon knows what will look best with your natural facial structure and features.

When you look at yourself in a mirror, you might think your nose looks off-center. While you may initially assume that the asymmetry needs correction, skilled cosmetic surgeons realize that all noses are asymmetrical to some degree. Yours might not be nearly as asymmetrical as you think. That is just one example of ways your cosmetic surgeon, or anyone looking at you that isn’t your own reflection, sees things differently than you do. 

Not all rhinoplasties are solely cosmetic in nature, and the primary goal of yours might be to improve your breathing by correcting a deviated septum or another structural defect. While meeting this goal, Dr. Freeman also keeps cosmetics in mind to ensure your results look flattering. 

Follow your aftercare instructions

For any surgery, cosmetic or otherwise, aftercare is essential for getting the results you want and avoiding complications. In the case of rhinoplasty, you must avoid hitting, squishing, or otherwise jostling your nose for some time so that the bone and cartilage have a chance to heal. 

To avoid unexpected complications with healing after rhinoplasty, you must:

  • Avoid blowing your nose
  • Avoid extreme facial expressions, including wide grins or smiles
  • Wear clothing that buttons or zips and doesn’t go over your head
  • Rest in bed with your head propped up

Dr. Freeman teaches you to care for your nose as it heals and change the gauze as necessary. He ensures you know how to be careful with your nose and can tell you when it’s safe to engage in certain activities again. 

Patience is essential when it comes to healing after a nose job, and you can anticipate up to a year of recovery even after the swelling subsides in a matter of weeks. It’s important to realize that your nose will change in size and appearance as it heals. After a year passes, you’ll be able to enjoy your permanent nose improvements. 

If you don’t like the shape or size of your nose, consider booking a consultation over the phone or online for a professional rhinoplasty by John P. Freeman, MD, DDS, FACS at any time.